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Maps of Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Scroll down just a tad and you`ll find several maps of Belfast for your reference. Belfast is a fascinating place, both for its culture and long history, but also for its recent history and its prominent role on the evening news throughout the decades. Many visitors will find it fascinating to see this city up close because of its notoriety - especially since it`s pretty much business as usual these days.

Ireland used to be a colony of the UK, until the UK was forced out of most of Ireland in 1922. Since then, the UK has kept a hold of just Northern Ireland and its capital Belfast. Belfast has a mixed population of Protestants (who typically want to remain part of the UK) and Catholics (who typically want to be part of a united Ireland). Belfast was for a long time a flashpoint of violence and tensions in the conflict.

It`s not a large city, it has just a small population of 286,000, with 579,000 in the entire urban area. It is a bustling city, despite its less-than-huge population.

This first map of Belfast is a great one. You can click on the map and zoom right up close. It shows all of the main streets and landmarks and will help you navigate the city easily. You can load this map onto your tablet and zoom in easily.

Excellent large street map of Belfast Northern Ireland

This map is a little lower quality since it was scanned from a travel guide. But it gives you another point of reference for the city.

A scanned map of Belfast

Here`s an interesting map for those who want to know more about the history of conflict in Belfast. It`s a map of Belfast`s religious populations by neighbourhood. It`s somewhat of a patchwork quilt, with most neighbourhoods populated by both Catholics and Protestants. But most neighbourhoods have a clear majority towards one religion.

Map of Belfast neighbourhoods by religion

I hope you found a map with the kind of information about Belfast that you were looking for.

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