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Map of Portsmouth, UK

If you need a map of Portsmouth, UK then you may find a one below that is decent enough (though admittedly these ones aren`t amazing). Portsmouth is not a major city in terms of population on its own (its population is 205,400), but when you consider it as part of the South Hampshire urban area along with the city of Southampton and other suburbs in the area, then they form one of the most populous urban areas in the UK (with over 855,000 people). It is located only 31 km (19 miles) away from Southamton and heaps of people commute between the two cities.

Much of the city`s economy surrounds the Portsmouth Naval Dockyards. While nearby Southampton`s port specialized in tourist cruise ships, Portsmouth specializes in the defense industry.

Here is a Portsmouth map. This one shows the different districts in the city and the major roads.

map of Portsmouth city

This map shows more of the surrounding area around Portsmouth. This area forms much of the South Hampshire built-up urban area.

map of Portsmouth and South Hampshire

It`s a bit hard to track down good maps of Portsmouth, but hopefully these ones were educational! Leave your comments below!

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